Publications Committee

The Publications Committee advises the IUBMB Executive Committee on all matters that concern Publications. This includes, but is not limited to, the following aspects: to evaluate the activities of the Editors-in-Chief of the Union’s journals, to appoint Associate Editors and editorial boards, to consider and recommend publication policies of the Union, and to conduct negotiations with publishers with respect to publications.

Members of the IUBMB Publications Committee

James Murphy

James Murphy (Chair)

Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research | Australia

Loredano Pollegioni

Loredano Pollegioni,
EC member

University of Insubria | Italy

Angelo Azzi

Angelo Azzi

Molecular Aspects of Medicine & Aspects of Molecular Medicine
Tufts University | USA

Marilee Benore

Marilee Benore

Editor-in-Chief, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education (BAMBED)
University of Michigan-Dearborn | USA

Irene Diaz-Moreno

Irene Diaz-Moreno

Editor-in-Chief, BioFactors
University of Seville | Spain

Stathis Gonos

Stathis Gonos

Editor-in-Chief, IUBMB Life
National Hellenic Research Foundation | Greece

Vladimir Popov

Vladimir Popov

Research Center of Biotechnology RAS | Russia

Peter Shepherd

Peter Shepherd

The University of Auckland |
New Zealand

Tom Sniden

Tom Sniden

Publisher, Partner Publishing EMEA
Wiley | USA

Valerie Teng-Broug

Valerie Teng-Broug

Elsevier | Netherlands

Kaiming Ye

Kaiming Ye

Editor-in-Chief, Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry (BAB)
Binghamton University, State University of New York (SUNY) | USA

Learn more on the Publications Committee