Executive committee
All members of the IUBMB Executive Committee serve on a voluntary basis and receive no remuneration
*The Officers of the Union
Alexandra Newton*
University of California San Diego | USA
Dario Alessi*
University of Dundee | UK
Andrew H.-J. Wang*
Academia Sinica | China (Taipei)
M. Iqbal Parker*
General Secretary
University of Cape Town |
South Africa
Loredano Pollegioni*
University of Insubria – Varese | Italy
Ilona Concha Grabinger
Member for Congresses and Focused Meetings
Universidad Austral de Chile | Chile
Zengyi Chang
Member for Publications
Peking University | China (Beijing)
LIM Yang Mooi
Member for Education and Training
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman | Malaysia
IUBMB Chairs
Daniel Dries
Chair of Fellowships Committee
Juniata College | USA
James Murphy
Chair of Publications Committee
Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research | Australia