Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry

Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry publishes scholarly articles and reviews relating to biological and process-engineering sciences that underpin the translation of discoveries in life sciences to therapeutic and diagnostic products for the benefit of mankind. The journal also publishes commentary related to registration, clinical issues, cost and commercialization matters related to such products as they impact the biotechnology community. Minireviews provide the reader with timely updates in fast-moving areas.

The focus of the journal is directed towards the publication of original articles and reviews concerning the development of new technologies for recovery and extraction, purification and polishing, formulation, stability and characterization of either naturally occurring biological molecules, such as in blood plasma or other biological fluids, or synthetic molecules expressed in eukaryotic or prokaryotic biological systems. Papers that deal with novel expression systems and new cell-culture and fermentation methods that demonstrate step improvements in productivity without adversely affecting downstream purification and cost are particularly welcome. In the area of human healthcare, contributions are encouraged which directly address relevant issues related to the commercialization of novel medicines to fight the major diseases of the 21st century, including infectious diseases and cancers, heart attack and strokes, diabetes and obesity and their complications and neurological diseases. Papers that deal with life sciences and process-engineering aspects of new therapeutic proteins, antibodies and genes, tissue engineering, stem-cell and cell therapeutics, and nanotechnology as it impacts biotechnology are particularly encouraged.

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Kaiming Ye

Binghamton University

Journals App - Biotechnology