IUBMB Activities
The IUBMB is engaged in a variety of activities, including:
Every three years, biochemists from all over the world come together at the IUBMB International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Travel awards and a special three-day pre-Congress program for young scientists, the Young Scientists Program (YSP), is a special feature attached to this event.
One IUBMB Focused Meetings take place each year. They enhance the visibility of significant or major biochemical events in IUBMB regions and present opportunities to review major advances in selected areas.
IUBMB sponsors Educational Workshops and Advanced Schools and Symposia on Education at regional biochemical meetings around the world.
The Wood-Whelan Research Fellowships provide short-term fellowships for younger biochemists to travel to other laboratories to undertake research that cannot be done in their own laboratories.
Mid-Career (Now “Early-Career”) Research Fellowships provide similar opportunities for more senior researchers.
Tang Education Fellowships provide opportunities for the development of both biochemistry and molecular biology educational programs and educators with specific aims..
The PROLAB Fellowships support Latin Americans to travel to a USA or Canadian lab..
The Relocation Support for Displaced Trainees provide support to relocate to a new host lab to continue their research..
Travel Fellowships support trainees to travel and attend international meetings..
The latest initiative, IUBMB Africa Initiative launched in 2022, provides funding for trainees, researchers, and educators in Africa such as the MilliporeSigma ENABLE-Africa Fellowships to attend an ENABLE conference, and the PROBio-Africa Fellowships to travel to a lab in the FEBS region.
Reaching individual biochemists is also the purpose of another very important function of the IUBMB, that of publishing journals containing news, reviews, information and original research.
IUBMB Plenary Lectures feature prominently at Congress of FASBMB, FAOBMB, PABMB and FEBS, Adhering Bodies and Associate Adhering Bodies.
The IUBMB Jubilee Award Lectures were established to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the first International Congress of Biochemistry held in Cambridge, UK in 1949, at which steps were taken that led to the formation of IUB (IUBMB since 1991).