Congresses and Focused Meetings Committee

The Congresses and Focus Meetings Committee encourages and supports the organization of meetings for the presentation of original research at the cutting edge of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and is committed to the robust representation of women, junior investigators, and participants from underrepresented groups from all regions of the world.


Members of the Congresses and Focused Meetings Committee

Prof. Ilona Concha Grabinger Display Image

Ilona Concha Grabinger (Chair)

Universidad Austral de Chile | Chile

Anne Bertolotti

Anne Bertolotti

MRC Laboratory of Molecular
Biology | UK

Irene Diaz-Moreno

Irene Diaz-Moreno

University of Seville | Spain

Jianping Ding

DING Jianping


Matt Gentry

Matt Gentry

University of Kentucky College of Medicine | USA

Paul Gleeson

Paul A. Gleeson

The University of Melbourne | Australia

Niovi Santama

Niovi Santama

University of Cyprus | Cyprus

Learn more on Congresses and Focused Meetings Committee