**Marie-Curie PhD Opportunity**
A position for a highly motivated PhD student is available to join the European doctoral network “PROSTAMET”, a comprehensive translational research and training pipeline harnessing lipid metabolism to improve prostate cancer management.
The aim of the “PROSTAMET” network is to educate young researchers in tackling complex diseases and to understand the structure-function relationships of proteins in prostate cancer target structures.
The PhD candidate will join the Biochemistry and Structural Biology Group at the Università del Piemonte Orientale in Novara (Italy) (https://dsf.uniupo.it/it/ricerca/gruppi-di-ricerca/biochimica-biologia-strutturale) under the supervision of Prof. Davide Ferraris (https://upobook.uniupo.it/davide.ferraris).
The ideal candidate has experience in protein purification and protein biochemical/biophysical analyses. Expertise in the field of structural biology techniques (X-ray crystallography, Cryo-EM) is an advantage.
For further information on the program and on the application rules, visit: https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/198795.
**Application deadline: April 15th 2024**
Projects start: September 2024
**Application Deadline: April 30, 2024**