Dear Friends of the IUBMB,
During the celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) in Milan in June 2024, the Milan Declaration was developed by FEBS, IUBMB, FASBMB, FAOBMB and PABMB on 29th June 2024. The Milan Declaration focuses on the Crucial Role of Science in meeting the Global Challenges and stresses the importance of Science and Scientific Research in providing coordinated solutions to global problems and challenges. I am pleased to inform you that the Milan Declaration page is now live (https://www.febs.org/milan-declaration-science/). We hope to gather a significant number of signatures from our members during the next month so that we can initiate a promotional campaign aimed at the general public and the media.
We strongly encourage you to utilize the attached call to action kit to reach out to members of your Societies, encouraging them to sign the declaration online as individuals and to promote it through your platforms (website, social media, newsletters).
Thank you for your commitment to making this initiative a success and in assisting in the global spreading the mission of the Milan Declaration.
Many thanks and best wishes,