Sahar Sadegh-Nejadi “Influence of plasma circulating exosomes obtained from obese women on tumorigenesis and tamoxifen resistance in MCF-7 cells” Sahar Sadegh-Nejadi is a PhD candidate in the Department of Clinical Biochemistry at Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran. The article has been published in IUBMB Life, Volume 72, Issue 9, 2020. | |
Romuald Loutre “Can Mitochondrial DNA be CRISPRized: Pro and Contra“ Romuald Loutre is a PhD student at the UMR 7156 (UDS-CNRS) Molecular Genetics Genomics Microbiology where he is currently studying the development of therapeutic strategies against diseases resulting from heteroplasmic mutations of mitochondrial DNA. He completed his BSc from the University Paul Verlaine Metz and MSc from the University Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg I). The article has been published in IUBMB Life: Special Issue: Special Issue on Evolutionary Mitochondrial Biology, Volume 70, Issue 12, 2018. | |
Haroon Kalam “Alternate splicing of transcripts upon Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection impacts the expression of functional protein domains” Haroon Kalam is currently a postdoctoral research fellow in the Infectious Disease and Microbiome Program at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard University. He received his PhD in the Cellular Immunology Program of the International Centre of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB), New Delhi, India. His doctoral study, under the guidance of Dr. Dhiraj Kumar, reported Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) infection-induced reprogramming of host post-transcriptional regulation like alternate splicing and alternate polyadenylation. His study provided a new locus of intervention by Mtb and an attractive alternative to exploit novel drug targets against Mtb. He is currently exploring the heterogeneity in host’s protein domain expression and its consequences upon Mtb infection. The article has been published in IUBMB Life: Special Issue on New Advances in Tuberculosis Drug Discovery and Therapy, Volume 70, Issue 9, 2018. |