Plant Biology

Vílchez, Juan Ignacio

Researcher Name: Vílchez, Juan Ignacio (He / Him)

Research Area(s): Methods and Resources, Microbiology, Plant Biology

Affiliation: ITQB Nova

Country: Portugal


Scientific Interests:

We intensity research on microbiota populations and the relevance for soil and plant health, focusing in abiotic stresses as drought and salt. Our interest cover from root exudates signalling to epigenetic regulation. Our expertise includes seed microbiota inheritance, new biotreatment seeking, alga extract biostimulation or the evolutiva relation between plant and microorganisms 

This offer applies to trainees/researchers eligible for the following fellowships

Everyone (not restricted to fellowship holders)

Other relevant information:

Our main objective is to provide the best environment to grow in a international environment. We firmly believe that science training could be fun and any challenge is better around nice people


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