Plant Biology

Petrivalsky, Marek

Researcher Name: Petrivalsky, Marek (He / Him)

Research Area(s): Plant Biology

Affiliation: Department of Biochemistry, Palacky University in Olomouc

Country: Czech Republic


Scientific Interests:

Our Department has three msni reserach groups:

  1. Plant Biochemistry – studies of plant responses to abiotic and biotic stress, with focus on reactive oxygen and nitrogen species
  2. Genomics – development and application of GWAS and other bioinformatic tools for genomic, research projects concern currently soya bean and pea genomics
  3. Honey bee heatl and immunity – biochemical and physiological studies towards improved bee health and resistance to infections and parasites

This offer applies to trainees/researchers eligible for the following fellowships

Everyone (not restricted to fellowship holders)


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