Sarukhanyan, Flora
Researcher Name: Sarukhanyan, Flora
Research Area(s): Molecular Bases of Disease, Neurobiology
Affiliation: H. Buniatian Institute of Biochemistry NAS RA
Country: Armenia
Scientific Interests:
The biological role of hemoglobin-derived peptides hemorphins, their effects in pathophysiology of different diseases (diabetes, cancer, endotoxin-induced stress, neurodegenerative disorders) as homeostatic agents. Involvement of Ca2+/CaM dependent protein phosphatase calcineurin in pathophysiology of abovementioned diseases as well as in molecular mechanisms of anti-diabetic, anti-cancer effects of hemorphins. Neuroinflammatory processes in rotenone induced PD model and in PD patients.
This offer applies to trainees/researchers eligible for the following fellowships
Everyone (not restricted to fellowship holders)
Other relevant information:
The Armenian Association of Biochemists is also an Associate Adhering Body of IUBMB
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