Hosts accepting graduate students and postdocs – by research area

The following researchers/laboratories are open to host an IUBMB research fellowship holder. Note that fellows can also choose to go to laboratories not listed on this page.

If you are a researcher interested in becoming a host, please use the following form:

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Marques, André

Researcher Name: Marques, André (He / Him)

Research Area(s): Cell Biology, Lipids, Membrane Biology, Metabolism, Molecular Bases of Disease

Affiliation: NOVA Medical School, NOVA University Lisbon

Country: Portugal


Scientific Interests:

Lysosomes, acidic, hydrolase-rich cellular organelles, are the final destination of endocytic and autophagic pathways. Cell homeostasis is vitally linked to lysosomal function; malfunction being associated with several chronic pathologies including atherosclerosis, the main cause of cardiovascular diseases. Lysosomes are involved in almost the whole process of atherosclerosis. We aim to contribute to the better understanding of these pivotal organelles in the biology/physiology and pathophysiology of atherosclerosis.

This offer applies to trainees/researchers eligible for the following fellowships

Everyone (not restricted to fellowship holders)


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Marques, André

Researcher Name: Marques, André (He / Him)

Research Area(s): Cell Biology, Lipids, Membrane Biology, Metabolism, Molecular Bases of Disease

Affiliation: NOVA Medical School, NOVA University Lisbon

Country: Portugal


Scientific Interests:

Lysosomes, acidic, hydrolase-rich cellular organelles, are the final destination of endocytic and autophagic pathways. Cell homeostasis is vitally linked to lysosomal function; malfunction being associated with several chronic pathologies including atherosclerosis, the main cause of cardiovascular diseases. Lysosomes are involved in almost the whole process of atherosclerosis. We aim to contribute to the better understanding of these pivotal organelles in the biology/physiology and pathophysiology of atherosclerosis.

This offer applies to trainees/researchers eligible for the following fellowships

Everyone (not restricted to fellowship holders)


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Marques, André

Researcher Name: Marques, André (He / Him)

Research Area(s): Cell Biology, Lipids, Membrane Biology, Metabolism, Molecular Bases of Disease

Affiliation: NOVA Medical School, NOVA University Lisbon

Country: Portugal


Scientific Interests:

Lysosomes, acidic, hydrolase-rich cellular organelles, are the final destination of endocytic and autophagic pathways. Cell homeostasis is vitally linked to lysosomal function; malfunction being associated with several chronic pathologies including atherosclerosis, the main cause of cardiovascular diseases. Lysosomes are involved in almost the whole process of atherosclerosis. We aim to contribute to the better understanding of these pivotal organelles in the biology/physiology and pathophysiology of atherosclerosis.

This offer applies to trainees/researchers eligible for the following fellowships

Everyone (not restricted to fellowship holders)


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Marques, André

Researcher Name: Marques, André (He / Him)

Research Area(s): Cell Biology, Lipids, Membrane Biology, Metabolism, Molecular Bases of Disease

Affiliation: NOVA Medical School, NOVA University Lisbon

Country: Portugal


Scientific Interests:

Lysosomes, acidic, hydrolase-rich cellular organelles, are the final destination of endocytic and autophagic pathways. Cell homeostasis is vitally linked to lysosomal function; malfunction being associated with several chronic pathologies including atherosclerosis, the main cause of cardiovascular diseases. Lysosomes are involved in almost the whole process of atherosclerosis. We aim to contribute to the better understanding of these pivotal organelles in the biology/physiology and pathophysiology of atherosclerosis.

This offer applies to trainees/researchers eligible for the following fellowships

Everyone (not restricted to fellowship holders)


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Marques, André

Researcher Name: Marques, André (He / Him)

Research Area(s): Cell Biology, Lipids, Membrane Biology, Metabolism, Molecular Bases of Disease

Affiliation: NOVA Medical School, NOVA University Lisbon

Country: Portugal


Scientific Interests:

Lysosomes, acidic, hydrolase-rich cellular organelles, are the final destination of endocytic and autophagic pathways. Cell homeostasis is vitally linked to lysosomal function; malfunction being associated with several chronic pathologies including atherosclerosis, the main cause of cardiovascular diseases. Lysosomes are involved in almost the whole process of atherosclerosis. We aim to contribute to the better understanding of these pivotal organelles in the biology/physiology and pathophysiology of atherosclerosis.

This offer applies to trainees/researchers eligible for the following fellowships

Everyone (not restricted to fellowship holders)


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