The following researchers/laboratories are open to host an IUBMB research fellowship holder. Note that fellows can also choose to go to laboratories not listed on this page.
If you are a researcher interested in becoming a host, please use the following form:
Chong, Mark
Researcher Name: Chong, Mark
Research Area(s): Cell Biology
Affiliation: St Vincent’s Institute of Medical Research
Country: Australia
Scientific Interests:
We study in the biogenesis and function of microRNAs and the regulation of the microRNA machinery. The lab is offering an opportunity to work on a project that will apply CRISPR technology for genetic manipulations and the analysis of reporters by microscopy and flow cytometry. Project description: The RNase III enzymes Drosha is best known for its role in microRNA biogenesis. However, there is increasing evidence suggesting it has important functions beyond the microRNA pathway. These alternate functions appear to manifest in response to various cellular stresses, such as DNA damage or viral infections. Moreover, Drosha has been shown to relocalize to alternate subcellular compartments to exert these alternate functions. To better understand its functions, we wish to develop new tools that will allow for high throughput screening of Drosha function in response to cellular challenges and drug treatments. The goal of this project is to tag Drosha with fluorescent reporters that can then be employed in imaging.
This offer applies to trainees/researchers eligible for the following fellowships
Everyone (not restricted to fellowship holders)
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