Hosts – Protein Structure and Folding

Covarrubias Robles, Alejandra A.

Researcher Name: Covarrubias Robles, Alejandra A.

Research Area(s): Plant Biology, Protein Structure and Folding

Affiliation: Instituto de Biotecnología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Country: Mexico


Scientific Interests:

The research work in my group focuses in understanding the plant responses to adverse environments; particularly, to those resulting in a decrease in the availability of water. We are interested in elucidating those molecular mechanisms involved in those responses associated to the resistance to terminal drought in Phaseolus. We study two species, P. vulgaris  (common bean) and P. acutifolius  (Tepari). We know that this type of drought induces metabolic changes, mostly in pod walls and seeds, that helps these cultivars to tolerate terminal drought maintaining their yield despite this stressful condition. Also, we are studying additional adjustment mechanisms linked to water use efficiency and  the stomatal responses in these crops.

Additionally, we find relevant to pursue the role of a set of intrinsically disordered proteins involved in the plant response to water deficit conditions and in desiccation tolerance, particularly during seed and pollen development. We are addressing the question of whether these protein can form biocondensates an if this capacity is related with their abundance in anhydrobiotic developmental stages and/or  organisms.

We are also involve in investigating the participation of intrinsically disordered regions found in stress regulatory proteins in the sensing of changes in the environmental conditions, mostly focused on transcriptional factors implicated in the response to high osmolarity conditions.   

This offer applies to trainees/researchers eligible for the following fellowships

IUBMB Early-Career Research Fellowships


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