Reichmann, Dana
Researcher Name: Reichmann, Dana
Research Area(s): Computational Biology, Microbiology, Protein Structure and Folding, Protein Synthesis and Degradation
Affiliation: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Country: Israel
Scientific Interests:
We are interested in molecular structures and dynamic protein assemblies formed during physiological stress conditions and aging.
One of the major focuses in the lab is understanding how cells maintain their “healthy” and complex protein structures during stress conditions ( mainly increased oxidation) which is one of the main hallmarks of aging and age-related diseases (e.g., Alzheimer, Parkinson and others). Our overarching goal is to develop a novel technology that will enable us to unravel the mystery of the cellular “redox code” and the way it defines cells and their aging process.
To achieve this goal, we utilize and develop an extensive toolbox of technologies which able to quantify changes on cellular and molecular levels. For example, we have developed fluorescence-based sensors, expressed inside cells at different organelles to monitor and quantify precise changes in intracellular oxidation. This allows us to study redox-dependent heterogeneity on a single cell level as well as isolate a subset of cells with pre-defined cellular oxidation for investigation of its proteome and redox-dependent regulation.
Moreover, to identify redox switch proteins we are developing different proteomic platforms enabling mapping and quantifying mild changes in protein oxidation associated with a wide range of physiological conditions, aging and diseases.
On a protein level, we have established a toolbox of cutting-edge mass spectrometry technology to map conformational changes in proteins upon interactions and/or oxidation, specifically focusing on structurally challenging proteins, such as large and dynamic protein complexes. These technologies include an automatized, high-resolution platform for conducting Hydrogen/Deuterium exchange coupled with mass spectrometry (HDX-MS), as well as in-vivo and in-vitro crosslinking (XL-MS).
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