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Visualizing structural data and beyond: Introduction to Blender and Molecular Nodes

February 13 @ 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm EST

The PABMB Region of the IUBMB Trainee Initiative is organizing an informational webinar! Join us for “Visualizing Structural data and Beyond: Introduction to Blender and Molecular Nodes”, and discover how to elevate your scientific storytelling with impactful visuals. Explore the latest programs and tools for scientific visualization, learn what makes a good scientific figure, and gain practical tips and tricks for creating effective visuals. Take your data presentation to the next level and make your research stand out!

PABMB Webinar 600

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February 13
3:00 pm to 5:00 pm EST
Event Category:




IUBMB Trainee Initiative
PABMB Trainees