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EMBO | EMBL Symposium: The cellular mechanics of symbiosis
March 8, 2023 to March 11, 2023
This conference will take place at EMBL Heidelberg, with the option to attend virtually. Please see EMBL’s COVID-19 safety policy for testing and other requirements if attending the on-site event.
Symposium Overview
Host-microbe interactions can be positive or negative for both a host organism and its symbiotic microbes. Interacting with microbes can allow eukaryotes to acquire crucial functions, like nutrient production, but interactions can also be pathogenic in nature. This cross-disciplinary meeting will bring together scientists using cellular, molecular, ecological, physiological, and theory-based approaches to explore the evolution of intimate species-species interactions. Our aim is to understand the cellular systems and pathways that drive transitions in symbiotic states, for example, as partnerships move from pathogenesis to beneficial and back again.
Session Topics
- Partners in conflict: immunity and pathogenesis in symbiosis
- Partners in less conflict: how are symbionts harnessed for benefit
- Living in, on, and around others: when is a symbiosis a symbiosis?
- Shared lessons across systems: commonalities in symbiosis
MAR 1: Registration (Virtual)