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47th FEBS Congress
July 8, 2023 to July 12, 2023
It is our pleasure to announce the 47th FEBS Congress – ‘Together in bioscience for a better future’ – will be held in Tours, France from 8th to 12th July 2023.
The event will be hosted by The French Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SFBBM), one of the oldest member Societies of FEBS. And in a special collaboration for the 2023 Congress, the journals of FEBS are formally joining the event organization, bringing their knowledge from work at the cutting edge of research news and trends to the crafting of a ground-breaking scientific programme. Inclusivity is also being considered alongside excellence in the event plans, for example by appraising symposia speaker suggestions invited from all current FEBS Constituent Societies.
Through several plenary lectures from outstanding research leaders, ‘FEBS 2023’ aims to provide participants at the event with a broad perspective on recent research progress across the molecular and cellular life sciences, encouraging exchange of ideas between fields. In addition, a choice of symposia sessions will offer deeper dives into fast-moving topics identified as exciting and important areas for researchers to keep abreast of now, from basic science subjects to topics with more direct relevance for human health and environmental concerns.
As is traditional at a FEBS Congress, participants will be able to play an active part in the event by presenting their own work as short talks or posters, and the meeting will be preceded by a Young Scientists’ Forum. But look out for new features too in the event experience. FEBS 2023 will be a more compact meeting, and will be including some novel approaches to help make it extra rewarding and enjoyable, such as a ‘stand-up’ social evening for those interested in bioscience education.
While our focus is on the science, the location of a FEBS Congress undoubtedly contributes to its atmosphere and the overall experience for participants. We are delighted that FEBS 2023 will be enhanced by the beautiful setting of Tours, a historic and lively university city on the Loire river. For those who wish to extend their stay, it is well placed for exploration of the Loire valley region with the famous Renaissance Chateaux de la Loire (a UNESCO world heritage site) or the French capital, Paris, an hour away by the TGV high-speed train.
Meeting together in person at a FEBS Congress enables us to share our common scientific interests and passions, and learn about important developments outside our immediate research focus. We can also celebrate achievements, make or strengthen international connections, and support each other in our research aims. For the 47th FEBS Congress, we look forward to welcoming researchers at all career stages, from a range of research fields and from across the globe to Tours in July 2023 – to gather ‘together in bioscience for a better future’
Johannes Buchner, Germany (FEBS Publications Committee Chair)
Miguel A. De la Rosa, Spain (FEBS Congress Counsellor 2022)
Jerka Dumić, Croatia (Chair, FEBS Working Group on Integration)
Alain Krol, France (SFBBM Secretary General & FEBS Fellowships Committee Chair)
IUBMB LECTURER: Dr. Enrique Cadenas, University of Southern California, USA
“Successive supra-molecular structures that template and position symmetrical SNAREpins for co-operative neurotransmitter release”
MAR 9: Congress Abstract Submission Deadline
MAR 9: FEBS and SFBBM Bursary Applications Deadline
MAR 9: Early Registration Deadline
MAY 24: Late-breaking Abstract Submission Deadline
JUN 08: Regular Registration Deadline