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Terms of Reference of the Trainee Initiative Leadership Committee
The Trainee Initiative Leadership Committee is an IUBMB ad-hoc committee whose members are appointed by the Executive Committee in accordance with Statute 7.3e and By-Law 12.
Committee members shall be elected from the four geographical regions of the IUBMB namely, Africa, the Americas, Asia-Oceania and Europe.
Four members from each region shall be elected to the committee.
Each regional group within the IUBMB Trainee Committee shall appoint a leader to manage the regional team.
Members of the committee shall elect from amongst themselves a Chair and a co-Chair for approval by the Executive Committee. This Chair and co-Chair will report to the Executive Committee in accordance with By-Law 15.
Committee members shall serve for an initial period of 2 years and may be reappointed for a further 2 year period. It would be preferable for only 50% of the members to be replaced at any given time.
Committee members should ideally be post-graduate researchers or post-doctoral fellows.
The Trainee Initiative Leadership Committee Shall:
Be responsible to the Executive Committee for all matters concerning outreach and education events for emerging biomolecular science researchers globally.
Facilitate communication among emerging researchers around the world through monthly events to promote discussion of research topics, educational methods and technical advances, and to foster exchange of opinions by organising meetings, symposia, courses, workshops or other educational activities. These will be open to all members of adhering and associate adhering bodies.
Work with other statutory committees such as the Education and Training Committee, to promote the holding of discussions and exhibitions on educational subjects at IUBMB Congresses and those of the Regional or Associated Organizations.
Meet in person when the opportunity presents itself such as at scientific meetings, and maintain contact on a regular basis via Slack, Email, Zoom and WhatsApp.
Advertise its activities and policies through the IUBMB website, ‘Friends of the Trainee Initiative’ mailing list and social media publications.
Ensure that the IUBMB Trainee Initiative logo is used on all publications and communications related to all committee activities and events.
Collaborate with other official bodies with similar objectives that may be deemed conducive to the objects of the Initiative.