Terms of Reference of the Committee on Education and Training
The Committee on Education and Training an IUBMB Standing Committee comprising representatives of each of the Committees on Education of FAOBMB, FASBMB, FEBS and PABMB and any other members as may be appointed by the Executive Committee in accordance with By-Law 12.
The Executive Committee shall appoint one of the members of the Committee on Education and Training as the Chair of the Committee who will report to the Executive Committee in accordance with By-Law 15.
The Editor-in-Chief of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education (BAMBED) shall be an ex-officio member of the Committee.
The Committee on Education and Training shall:
Be responsible to the Executive Committee for all matters concerning the education of biochemists and molecular biologists and the teaching of biochemistry and molecular biology around the world, and especially in areas where biochemistry and molecular biology are less developed.
Acquaint itself with all modern methods and technologies of instruction and dissemination of knowledge and act as a source of advice on these matters.
Act to distribute grants in support of educational activities and especially in areas where biochemistry and molecular biology are less developed. Applications are evaluated and voted on by the Committee as a whole. The funds available to the Committee for these purposes shall be spent according to Guidelines approved by the Treasurer, grantees being accountable to the Treasurer in terms of the expenditure of funds and to the Committee in terms of the activities supported.
Seek to augment the budget provided to it by making proposals to ISC through the Member for ISC and other organizations that support educational activities, and seek help in kind from publishers etc.
Serve as the management committee for the journal Biochemical Education which has as its purpose the dissemination of information concerning all aspects of the education of biochemists and molecular biologists and the teaching of biochemistry and molecular biology around the world.
Make the educational activities of the Union known to the Regional Organizations and to the appropriate Committees of ISC and the BioUnions of ISC.
Promote the holding of discussions and exhibitions on educational subjects at IUBMB Congresses and those of the Regional or Associated Organizations and shall seek joint-sponsorship and matching funds from these Organizations for activities organized within their regions.
Arrange and/or sponsor discussions, courses, workshops or other educational activities appropriate for the education of biochemists and molecular biologists and especially in areas where biochemistry and molecular biology are less developed that are members of the Union.
Promote the flow of current textbooks and other appropriate scientific literature to deserving departments or institutions, especially in developing countries.
Provide advice and support to the Educational Committees of Regional and Associated Organizations and other members of IUBMB as may be required.
Meet when the opportunity presents itself such as at scientific meetings and maintain contact on a regular basis.
Keep records of all of its meetings, the activities it arranges and /or sponsors and reports requested on all such activities.
Advertise its activities and policies through the IUBMB website and publications.
Ensure that the IUBMB logo is used on all publications related to the activities it sponsors.
EC Meeting SFO 1315 May 1999
EC Modified August 2021