Congresses and Focused Meetings Committee

Terms of Reference of the Committee on Congresses and Focused Meetings

The Committee on Congresses and Focused Meetings is an IUBMB Standing Committee whose members are appointed by the Executive Committee in accordance with By-Law 12.

The Executive Committee shall appoint one of the members of the Committee on Congresses and Focused Meetings as the Chair of the Committee who will report to the Executive Committee in accordance with By-Law 15.


The Committee on Congresses and Focus Meetings shall:

  • Advise the Executive Committee on matters that concern Congresses and Focused Meetings.

  • Call for and evaluate proposals for the Focused Meetings.

  • The funds available to the Committee for these purposes shall be spent according to Guidelines approved by the Treasurer, grantees being accountable to the Treasurer in terms of the expenditure of funds and to the Committee in terms of the activities supported.

  • Advise the Executive Committee on the appointment of members of the Congresses and Focused Meetings Committee.

  • Coordinate and conduct annual reviews on the activities of the Congresses and Focused Meetings Committee.

EC August 2021 | Revised September 2021