Guidelines for IUBMB Tang Education Fellowships
The IUBMB is grateful to the Tang Prize Foundation, which has been providing funding for educational initiatives since 2016.
The IUBMB Tang Education Fellowships will provide opportunities for the development of both biochemistry and molecular biology educational programs and educators with the specific aims of:
- increasing expertise and capability in biochemistry and molecular biology education
- supporting engaged educators
- promoting change/innovation in approaches to education
- improving student learning experiences, outcomes, and engagement with biochemistry and molecular biology
- building an evidence base on which to make future recommendations on biochemistry and molecular biology education
- supporting biochemistry and molecular biology education in developing countries.
Conditions of Fellowships
The fellowships can be used for:
- Universities/departments to apply for nominated experienced biochemistry and molecular biology educator to visit their institution for a specific educational outcome (Complete Form A)
- Educators to apply to visit institutions to learn/develop education practices and methodologies for a specific educational outcome (Complete Form B).
The fellowship will be awarded for travel lasting up to two months. The fellowships are intended to cover travel accommodation and living expenses, to a maximum of US$4,000.
Travel costs will provide for the cheapest airfare available and reasonable costs of accommodation and living expenses. The costs do not cover insurance or expenses at the institution to be visited.
Applicants are required to make a full declaration to IUBMB of all other support received in connection with the proposed visit. A fellowship cannot be used to supplement scientific visits otherwise fully covered. Fellowships will not be awarded to attend courses, symposia, meetings, or congresses. Applicants must be residents of countries that are members of IUBMB. Retrospective applications will not be considered.
Applicants must be a member of an IUBMB Adhering or Associate Adhering body.
Application Deadline
The deadline for receipt of applications is April 1st (for travel from January through December of the following year). The deadline for submission is 11:59 pm Pacific Standard Time. Late applications will not be considered.
Application Details
Applications will be sent to the Chair of the Committee for Education and Training by filling out the application form and will be reviewed by the Members of the IUBMB Education and Training Committee.
No later than three months after the visit, a report must be sent detailing the results achieved or expected, and any publication that may result. Acknowledgment of receipt of the Fellowship must be made in any publication(s) that arise(s) as a result of the visit.