Guidelines for the IUBMB Whelan Young Investigator Award
The IUBMB Whelan Young Investigator Award was established in honor of William “Bill” J. Whelan to recognize his lifelong commitment to training the future of biochemistry. The award will go to a highly promising junior investigator in biochemistry or molecular biology with special attention to geographic diversity.
The Awardee will deliver a lecture at the Young Scientists Program held in conjunction with the Triennial Congress of the IUBMB and be invited to contribute a review article to IUBMB Life, along with receiving an IUBMB award cube and certificate.
Application Deadlines
A call for nominations will be sent out to members and on social media, with a deadline of September 1st of the year preceding the Congress.
Application Details
The nomination package will include:
- Nomination letter
- Letter of recommendation (up to three accepted)
- CV
- Statement outlining most significant publications
Candidate must be within 10 years of their PhD. Nominator and candidate must be members of an Adhering Body or Associate Adhering Body of IUBMB.
Nominations will be sent to the IUBMB President-Elect by filling out the application form below and will be reviewed by the IUBMB Awards Committee.
Award will be announced by November 1 of the year preceding the Congress.
Award Details
Award will consist of the US $2,000 to defray the costs of travel and an additional US $1,000 for the awardee, along with cube and certificate. Awardee will be invited to write a review article for IUBMB Life.
Learn more about the Whelan Young Investigator Award
Application Submission
Click the button to start your application
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Awards Committee
Applications are reviewed by the Awards Committee
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Award Recipients
Meet the Whelan Young Investigator award recipients
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