Provides support for a plenary lecture at scientific meetings of Adhering Bodies or Associate Adhering Bodies
Guidelines for IUBMB Plenary Lectures
The IUBMB Plenary Lectures recognize investigators who have made outstanding contributions in biochemistry and molecular biology and who are presenting a Plenary Lecture at a scientific meeting of Adhering Bodies or Associate Adhering Bodies provided that such meeting is not already being funded by IUBMB (eg IUBMB Focused meeting or Congress).
For this award, the IUBMB will provide up to US $2,000 to the meeting host(s) to support the travel, accommodation and other expenses incurred by the Awardee. Reimbursements use the policy applicable to Plenary Lecturers at Congresses and are to be made in consultation with the IUBMB Treasurer. The award will be announced within 2 months of the deadline for nominations.
The plenary lecture shall be named the IUBMB Plenary Lecture and be designated as such in all announcements and programs. Wherever possible, this session should be chaired by a member of the IUBMB Executive Committee or it’s designate.
Applications should include a letter of nomination with a full motivation indicating the exceptional scientific achievements of the nominee, the CV of the nominee, a list of the five most significant publications, and full details of the meeting. Applications will be reviewed by the IUBMB Awards Committee. The award is specifically made for the nominated lecturer and is not transferable. In the event that the nominated lecturer is no longer available, a fresh application must be submitted for a new lecturer.
Two deadlines each year: June 15th and December 15th.
24 March 2023
A list of all IUBMB Plenary Lecturers