IUBMB Focused Meetings

Guidelines for IUBMB Focused Meetings

  • Focused Meetings should cover “cutting edge science” of clear relevance to Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, last from three to five days, and normally have 100 to 300 participants. IUBMB’s financial contribution to each Focused Meeting is for a maximum of US$ 60,000. Funding will be prioritized for new meetings with the goal of helping the organizers launch a new series on the topic. Funding for repeated topics and/or organizing groups will not be considered.
  • Financial support is provided on the understanding that the IUBMB is the sponsor of the Focused Meeting and that the sponsorship is advertised clearly and extensively. The meeting will be called: IUBMB Focused Meeting on (TOPIC). Moreover, the organizers are required to use the IUBMB logo (which can be downloaded from the IUBMB website) and acknowledge the IUBMB sponsorship on any publication related to the Focused Meeting. Meeting name badges will have the title: IUBMB Focused Meeting on (TOPIC). Lastly, a member of the Executive Committee will represent the IUBMB at the meeting either in-person or virtually (live or pre-recorded Zoom presentation) and will be given 5-10 minutes at the Opening Session to describe IUBMB activities and fellowships. In addition, a table is required to display IUBMB flyers along with two banners that will be sent to the organizer or venue.
  • IUBMB encourages Focused Meetings on a worldwide basis, giving special attention to geographical areas where the biochemists and molecular biologists are in need of support.
  • Organizers are expected to edit a Special Issue for any of the 3 IUBMB journals (IUBMB Life, BioFactors & BAB) in conjunction with their Focused Meeting. They may act as the Guest Editor themselves or they may appoint a lecturer of the Focused Meeting. Special Issues consist typically of 5-15 peer-reviewed articles to be selected by the Guest Editor together with one of the Editors-in-Chief of the Journal who will have them peer-reviewed via Manuscript Central. The final decision regarding acceptance of all submitted articles is at the discretion of the IUBMB Journal. For additional information, kindly contact the IUBMB Chair of the Committee on Congresses and Focused Meetings, Dr. Ilona Concha Grabinger (meetings@iubmb.org), and visit the IUBMB Publications Portfolio website.


Application Details

  • Organizers must complete the IUBMB Application Form and include a letter of support from the relevant Adhering Body or Associate Adhering Body, see link. They should consider gender and providing opportunities to junior investigators, as well as science and society issues in establishing scientific programs. Finally, they are obliged to use the IUBMB logo and quote the activity as an “IUBMB Focused Meeting” in all printed and electronic materials.


Responsible organizer(s) should provide the following details in the application:

  • Title, dates, and location. The organizer(s) should be resident in, and the Focused Meeting should take place in a country with an IUBMB Adhering Body or Associate Adhering Body. The dates of the Focused Meeting should not overlap with other IUBMB events and should not take place within three months of the triennial IUBMB Congress.
  • Scientific program. A diverse program (including lectures, open discussions, poster sessions) should be developed for a period of 3-5 working days. Limited social activities may be planned as well.
  • Letter of support. A letter of support from the Adhering Body or Associate Adhering Body must be included with the application.
  • The organizer(s) should provide a detailed budget in US$. IUBMB’s contribution will be to a maximum of US$ 60,000.
  • The main organizer must submit a CV of up to, but not exceeding 3 pages.


Application Deadlines

The application deadline for the Focused Meetings in 2026 has been extended to March 31st, 2025. The application deadline for the Focused Meetings in 2027 is June 15th, 2025 of two calendar years before the event is to take place (i.e. June 1, 2025 for meetings in 2027).


A report should be submitted no later than 3 months after the focused meeting which includes:

  • the detailed scientific program
  • a list (including nationality and gender) of participants and lecturer
  • the detailed budget.

Additionally, the organizers must send out a questionnaire to all participants at the end of the meeting provided by the Secretariat.


Application and Report Forms

IUBMB Focused Meeting – Application Form

IUBMB Focused Meeting – Report Form