IUBMB Educational Activities

Educational Policy Statement



Enhancing pedagogy and discipline-based knowledge in biochemistry and molecular biology through international collaboration.

The IUBMB is committed to improving education in biochemistry and molecular biology at all levels. The IUBMB Committee on Education and Training provides sponsorship for a range of activities which contribute to this goal. The Committee considers applications from all IUBMB Adhering Bodies and Associated Adhering Bodies. When an activity is to take place at a meeting of one of the Regional Organizations (FAOBMB, FASBMB, FEBS and PABMB) it is often appropriate for the application to be made through that organization.

In addition to funding activities which are organized through these organizations, the Committee on Education and Training takes a lead in organizing specific IUBMB Education Workshops around themes which are seen to be of strategic importance for BMB education. Prior advice about these initiatives and their outcomes will be widely disseminated through this website.

Funding priorities

The Committee has identified the following broad priorities for funding:

  • Symposia or workshops delivered either face-to-face or online which bring together expertise from across the international community of biochemistry and molecular biology educators, and which focus on a significant pedagogical issue.
  • Symposia or workshops that are developed deliberately to facilitate repeat delivery in multiple locations.
  • Activities which seek to leverage funding from other sources in order to increase their scope and impact (long and short term).
  • Activities which focus on communities where biochemistry and molecular biology are not yet well developed.

Some specific activities that may be appropriate include:

Symposia or Educational Workshops

These are activities that may last a few hours or several days and that focus on current thinking in education and approaches to education that have been explored and found useful for enhancing interest and learning. They may stand alone or be associated with a scientific meeting and may be delivered either face-to-face or online (virtual).


These may be courses intended to update the participants in recent developments in education and that encompass general biochemistry and molecular biology but involve little or no laboratory bench work.

Laboratory Workshops

These are activities that emphasize practical bench work.

It is expected that the latter two (courses and laboratory workshops) would normally be held in locations where some research is already taking place, where there is access to recent scientific literature, and where efforts are being made to develop postgraduate programs in biochemistry and molecular biology. Applications for funding of symposia in specific, specialist research areas are more appropriately directed to the IUBMB Committee on Congresses and Focused Meetings.

Funding Policy

  • Sponsorship will be provided only for activities of an Adhering Body or an Associate Adhering Body.
  • The IUBMB should not be the sole supporter of an event (except where that event is directed through the IUBMB), and the organizer must provide evidence for significant other support to match the IUBMB contribution.
  • When an activity is to take place in an area covered by one of the Regional Organizations that has a Committee on Education (i.e., FAOBMB, FASBMB, PABMB) cooperation with and co-sponsorship by the Regional Organization is expected.
  • IUBMB-sponsored meetings are intended to be international events, both in terms of speakers and preferably the audience. The applicant’s plans to fulfil this requirement will be an important part of the application.
  • Attendance at all activities sponsored by the Committee is to be open to scientists/educators of all nationalities, although the total number of participants may be restricted, and shall observe the International Science Council (ISC) requirements as specified on the Freedom of movement and the ISC’s position on international travel visas as well as the Freedom of Association and the ISC’s position on boycotts.
  • In recommending scientists/educators to participate as speakers or Workshop leaders, the Committee shall try to involve those familiar with the region, who may speak the local language, and who are in a position to provide further help afterwards and meet the needs of individuals or departments in the region of the sponsored activity. They should consider gender as well as science and society issues in establishing programs.
  • Financial support may be used to cover:
    • travel and accommodation costs of international speakers or expert leaders. The contribution towards travel costs will not exceed the listed economy class return fare.
    • travel of junior scientists (10 years of receiving PhD) from countries where biochemistry and molecular biology are less developed. Payment will not normally exceed 50% of the listed economy fare.
    • virtual platforms necessary for online workshops, meetings or symposium
    • administrative assistance required to deliver online workshops, meetings or symposium
    • preparation of workshop materials, where these are of long-term educational value beyond the workshop.
  • Financial support is not to be used for:
    • administrative costs of the sponsored activity except for those listed above.
    • domestic travel by speakers and other participants who are resident in the country where the Symposium is held.
    • registration fees of invited speakers.
    • For a period of 3 months around the dates of an IUBMB Congress, no event can be sponsored in the region covered by the Regional Organization other than events associated with the Congress.

Financial support is provided on the understanding that the IUBMB is formally recognized as a sponsor or co-sponsor of an activity. Acknowledgment of IUBMB sponsorship, and the IUBMB logo, shall appear prominently on all printed material for the sponsored activity. The organizer will be provided with information about the IUBMB that should be made available to the participants.

Application Process

When making the application, the applicant must describe in some detail the nature and scope of the activity, the target audience and how the activity meets the goals of IUBMB Education. Announcements of the activity must be sent for inclusion in the calendars of all IUBMB journals and the IUBMB website.

Application Deadline

The deadline for receipt of applications is June 15th (for meetings from January through December of the following year). Late applications will not be considered.



A report should be submitted no later than 3 months after the the conclusion of the Advanced School which includes:

  • the detailed program
  • a list (including nationality and gender) of participants and lecturer
  • the detailed budget.

Additionally, the organizers must send out a questionnaire to all participants at the end of the meeting provided by the Secretariat.


Application and Report Forms

IUBMB Educational Activities – Application Form

IUBMB Educational Activities – Report Form