Guidelines for the IUBMB Ed Wood Lecture and Award
The IUBMB Ed Wood Lecture was established to honour the life and work of Edward John Wood (1941-2008) who dedicated himself to the promotion of biochemistry and molecular biology education.
The Lecture (a maximum of one per year) is intended as a Plenary Lecture to be given at a Congress, Focused Meeting or Special Meeting of the IUBMB that significantly enhances the quality of the event through the participation of an outstanding biochemistry educator.
The IUBMB Ed Wood Lecture shall:
Be awarded when the symposium or activity, as indicated above, is not dependent on the award to become viable.
Fund a Lecturer, not coming, as a rule, from the host country.
Be used primarily to fund the airfare of the lecturer. Where appropriate some funds to support accommodation can also be provided but the host organization will offer free registration and is expected to contribute to local expenses. The IUBMB will not pay an honorarium. Reimbursements use the policy applicable to Plenary Lecturers at Congresses and are to be made in consultation with the IUBMB Treasurer.
Be awarded within 2 months of receipt of an application made to the Chair of the Committee on Education and Training, the application to be submitted at least 6 months before the meeting and accompanied by sufficient information about the meeting to show that it is a worthwhile undertaking.
The invited speaker shall be named the IUBMB Ed Wood Lecturer and designated as such in all announcements and programs, make a brief acknowledgment of the IUBMB and the lectureship at the beginning of his/her presentation. After the lecture, the IUBMB Ed Wood lecturer will receive a certificate and the IUBMB award. The meeting organizers will provide a report to the Chair of the Committee on Education and Training on the experience.
Proposals nominating the intended IUBMB Ed Wood Lecturer and an alternate should be accompanied by a supporting CV and full details of the meeting. They should be sent to the Chair of the Committee on Education and Training. The application will be evaluated by the Officers of the IUBMB and the Chair of the Committee on Education and Training.