Guidelines for IUBMB Activities
The Guidelines that are compiled in this section rule the various activities that are organized under the auspices of IUBMB.
Please consult and carefully read the relevant sections listed below before submitting an application to participate in any one of the programs.
- IUBMB Advanced Schools
- IUBMB Congresses
- IUBMB Distinguished Service Award
- IUBMB Early-Career Research Fellowships
- IUBMB Ed Wood Lecture and Award
- IUBMB Educational Activities
- IUBMB Emerging Leader Award
- IUBMB Focused Meetings
- IUBMB General Assemblies
- IUBMB Jubilee Award Lectures
- IUBMB MilliporeSigma ENABLE-Africa Fellowships
- IUBMB Plenary Lectures
- IUBMB Speakers at FEBS Events
- IUBMB Tang Education Fellowships
- IUBMB Tatenda Murigo Distinguished Scholarship in Biochemistry
- IUBMB Travel Fellowships
- IUBMB Relocation Support for Displaced Trainees
- IUBMB Whelan Young Investigator Award
- IUBMB Wood-Whelan Research Fellowships
- Funding Regional Organizations
- PROBio-Arica Fellowships
- PROLAB Fellowships
- Reimbursement of Expenses of Travel on IUBMB Business
- Restriction of Sponsorship