The Treasurer


  • Be a member of the Executive Committee of the Union.

  • Be responsible for supervision of the income and outgoings of the Union and for its financial records. This entails:

    • sending invoices to Adhering Bodies and Special Members for payment of the yearly subscription and checking that it is paid on time;

    • checking that payments for expenses and royalties due to the Union under the terms of the agreement with Publishers are received on time and requesting overdue payments;

    • receiving any donations to the Union;

    • when requested by the responsible member of the Executive Committee, Chairman of a Committee of the Union or Editor-­in-Chief of an IUBMB Journal, making payments, normally by cheque or bank transfer, within the limits of the budget approved by the Executive Committee and in agreement with guidelines laid down by the Executive Committee to:

      • members of the Executive Committee and Committees of the Union for expenses for travel and subsistence when carrying out their duties as prescribed by the Statutes and By-­Laws;

      • members of the Executive Committee and Committees of the Union for office expenses when carrying out their duties as prescribed by the Statutes and By-­Laws;

      • editors-­in-­chief and other editors of IUBMB journals for editorial honoraria;

      • organisers of Symposia;
      • organisers of Education Workshops;
      • Organisers of IUBMB Congresses and Conferences
      • publishers for journals and books distributed under the auspices of the Committee on Education;
      • recipients of Wood­-Whelan Research Fellowships and IUBMB Congress Travel Fellowships;
      • IUBMB­ sponsored Lecturers for travel expenses and subsistence and, where appropriate, honoraria;
      • secretaries of Associated Organisations for grants;
      • treasurer of ICSU for dues;
      • other payees for invoices received in connection with one of the above activities.
    • Keeping records of all financial transactions, which entails:
      • checking that payments into IUBMB’s accounts, cashed checks drawn on the accounts and all bank transfers are duly recorded in the bank statements;

      • ensuring that none of IUBMB’s Bank accounts are overdrawn;
      • keeping as high a proportion of IUBMB’s funds consistent with short­-term obligations in interest-bearing accounts, or other suitable investments;

      • taking into account possible variations in the dollar: euro exchange ­rate;
  • Prepare for presentation to the Executive Committee not later than March 1 of the succeeding year an audited statement of the Income and expenditures of the Union for those calendar years in which he or she held office, but recognizing that it may not be possible for the auditor to meet this deadlines

  • Prepare for presentation to each Ordinary General Assembly an audited statement of the income and expenditures of the Union for the triennium ending on December 31 in the year preceding that in which the Ordinary General Assembly is held.

  • Prepare a triennial budget of the Union, for the triennium beginning on January 1 of the year in which the Ordinary General Assembly is held, and send this at least ten weeks before the date of a General Assembly to the members of the Executive Committee and to the delegates and associate delegates to the Assembly

  • Prepare for presentation to each meeting of the Executive Committee a statement of income and expenditure of the Union for the triennium beginning on January 1 of the year in which the meeting is held, and ending not more than two months before the meeting.

  • Ascertain before December 1 of each calendar year the financial liabilities of the Union which arise from the activities of its committees and from all other Union responsibilities, and by this date at the latest to prepare a working budget for the forthcoming calendar year, and during the month of December submit this to the Executive Committee for approval.

  • Supply on request an audited statement of the expenditure of funds provided by ICSU or any other organisation that has contributed funds to the Union.

  • Follow the procedure laid down in Statute 9.3 when subscriptions from an Adhering body are overdue.

EC Meeting SFO
13­15 May 1999