The President


  • Shall hold office from the close of the Ordinary General Assembly at which he succeeds from President Elect to President until the close of the next Ordinary General Assembly (Statute 8.4).

  • Shall be a member of the Executive Committee (Statute 6.1).

  • Shall if possible preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee and at all General Assemblies. The Chairman shall not vote except in a case of a tie in which case the Chairman shall make the final decision (Statute 5.12 and 7.7).

  • May decide, after such consultation with other members of the Executive Committee as may seen to him or her desirable, upon matters within the competence of the Union. Such decisions shall be reported to the next meeting of the Executive Committee (Statute 8.6).

  • Shall require the General Secretary to summon an Extraordinary General Assembly, if the President has been requested in writing by at least one­half of all the delegates to call such a General Assembly, and fix the time and place thereof (Statute 5.9).

  • Shall report to each meeting of the Executive Committee the decisions taken under Statute 8.6 since its last meeting (Statute 7.5).

  • May consult by mail the members of the Executive Committee upon any matter within the competence of the Union or request the General Secretary to do so on the President’s behalf (By­Law 7).

  • Shall represent the IUBMB to like bodies and the scientific community at large.

  • Act as a spokesperson for the needs and aspirations of the world community of biochemists and molecular biologists. To the extent possible, maintain continuing contacts with Adhering Bodies and other members of the IUBMB, sensing needs and changing circumstances and bringing these to the Executive Committee.

  • Shall understand the portfolios of each Executive Committee member, keeping a watching brief on their activities, and offering advice and support.

  • Shall maintain day­-to-­day contact with the General Secretary and Treasurer and continuing contact with all Executive Committee members.

  • Try to anticipate problems and opportunities so as to be ready to act.

  • Act as a member of the Nominating Committee (Statute 6.4).

  • Shall maintain detailed and accurate records of all Presidential actions for the instruction of the President Elect and for archival purposes.

EC Meeting SFO
13­15 May 1999