Chair the Committee on Congresses and Focused Meetings which is a virtual committee that consists of the four Executive Committee representatives to the Regional Organizations in identifying major topics, making an objective search for speakers and helping to refine that list, providing advice on current developments concerning the structure of meetings, and providing advice on membership of international advisory boards.
Advise potential hosts of the requirements for sponsoring a Congress or Focused Meeting and provide them with a copy of the appropriate Guidelines and of the ISC position on visas and online accessibility with the intent that the host organization should be in compliance with both documents.
Receive applications from potential hosts.
- Present this information at the IUBMB Executive Committee Meeting for their decision.
Once an application has been approved, the Chair monitors compliance with the Guidelines in respect of deadlines for reporting progress on the program, enlistment of an international board of advisors, choosing the plenary lecturers in consultation with the EC, ensuring that biochemical education finds a place in the program and that the requirements for free circulation of scientists are adhered to.
- Ascertain that planning for the meeting is fiscally sound.
In the case of a Congress, the Chair ensures that IUBMB business can be conducted, draws attention to financial matters that should be discussed with the IUBMB Treasurer, ensures that in accordance with the Guidelines the special provisions for younger scientists are adhered to, and acts as chairman of the travel fellowships awards committee. The Chair ensures that coverage of the subject is comprehensive, reflects all current advances in biochemistry and molecular biology and that the speakers reflect a wide geographical distribution and reasonable representation of female scientists.
Attends a planning meeting of the local Organizing Committee for a Congress and arranges for an Organizing Committee representative to attend a meeting of the Executive Committee as called for by the Guidelines for Congresses; the Chair also arranges for reciprocal attendance in the case of Focused Meetings planning but at minimal cost to the Union.
Maintain all records of correspondence with meeting organizers and obtain copies of minutes of planning meetings, all announcements, programs, and other publications.
- Attend the Congress or Focused Meeting.
Carry out debriefing of meeting organizers during and after a meeting has taken place. Collate this information into a detailed report to the Executive Committee and for the benefit of organizers of future meetings, to whom copies will be provided.
- Prepare a description of procedures used for the guidance of his or her successor.
EC Meeting SFO | 1315 | May 1999
Modified 10 January 2015
Modified 08 June 2021