Non-Enzyme Protein Nomenclature Subcommittee

The Non-enzyme Protein Nomenclature Subcommittee of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB) has been formed for the purpose of finding out ways to standardize the often hardly meaningful and confusing nomenclature of a tremendous number of proteins so far revealed by the international biochemical community. We welcome colleagues who have good ideas on this matter either to join us (after being approved by the IUBMB Executive Committee) or share with us your thoughts on this challenging matter.


Members of the IUBMB Non-Enzyme Protein Nomenclature Subcommittee

James Murphy

James Murphy (Chair)

Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research | Australia

Daniel Haft

Daniel Haft (Secretary)

National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), USA

Elspeth Bruford

Elspeth Bruford

HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC) | UK

Michele Magrane

Michele Magrane


Gerard P. Moss

Gerard P. Moss

Chairman of both JCBN and NC-IUBMB; NC-JCBN Member
Queen Mary University of London | UK

Shuji Ogino

Shuji Ogino

Harvard Medical School, and Brigham and Women’s Hospital | USA

Keith Tipton

Keith F. Tipton

NC-IUBMB and JCBN Member
Trinity College Dublin | Ireland

Cong-Zhao Zhou

Cong-Zhao Zhou

University of Science and Technology of China | China

Learn more on the Non-Enzyme Protein Nomenclature Subcommittee